As of March 2024, 37.69% is owned by Indian Promoters, 62.25% by Public and 0.06% by Non Promoters-Non Public.
Institutional holds 14.97% (Insurance Companies 0.23%) and Non-Institutional holds 47.28% as Public shareholders.
Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of HFCL company are MN Ventures Private Limited (2958.65 lakhs shares / 20.53%), NextWave Communications Private Limited (2198.65 lakhs shares / 15.26%), Fitcore Tech-Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (223.00 lakhs shares / 1.55%), Anant Nahata (26.45 lakhs shares / 0.18%) and Mahendra Nahata (13.35 lakhs shares / 0.09%).
Out of 5429.82 lakhs shares, Promoters of HFCL Company has over 2415.49 lakhs (44.48%) shares on pledge as of March 31, 2024.